Rooted, New Land Art
I have been blessed with the opportunity to connect with Earth and create land art at the Visitor Center Art Camp in the Upper Peninsula of Michigan. I went with a goal, a goal to listen. My plan was to open my inner senses and receive whatever messages the fields and the forest had for me. I found crusty old roots in a muddy field. I gathered the roots in the sun and the rain, my five-gallon buckets filling to the brim. Dumping and sorting in piles like bones, they spoke of death, but I heard renewal. I washed away the mud revealing spectacular beauty in the gently curving circles and twisting knots. A patch of stumps left over from unwanted bushes became display pedestals. A few days of drilling, some nifty knots and violà: Rooted, A Land Art Project Celebrating Life and Death, Connection to Earth and the Beauty of the Underworld.